özel kaş tıp merkezi

Kas Health Services and Products Chemical and Industrial Incorporation was founded in 1997 in Gunesli Region. In 2009, when the name of the healthcare center was changed to “PRIVATE KAS MEDICAL CENTER”, increasing number of specialist physicians were included to the staff providing medical services for 7 days and 24 hours incessantly.

At the beginning of 2013, we moved into our new building, including many other branches and medical units to our staff and organization. New operating rooms and new delivery rooms started in order for us to sustain and improve the high-quality health services provided to our patients in a broader scope day by day.

Kaş Tıp Merkezi Logo


The “seal” approach has been chosen for the logo that forms the starting point of corporate identity. Official and informal institutions use “stamp” (stamp) as a sign that something is done in accordance with the criteria set. The approval of the reports, the approval of the petitions, the approval of the payments are made at any time and everywhere by “seal”. Therefore, the “seal” concept chosen is based on a “seal” form that has been stylized to show that all the services provided by the Kas Medical Center in terms of quality and competence are “approved”, “valid”, “reliable”.

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