When should an eye examination be performed in children?
Eye examination in children should be carried out regularly starting from the newborn period. The first examination should be performed by an experienced nurse and/or pediatrician in the newborn room. The most important thing to look at in this examination is that the red reflectance, which is reflected from the pupil and belongs to the network layer, is in equal brightness and health in both eyes. Then, at six and eighteen months, general eye health examination should be performed. If there is an eye disease in the family, the child should be monitored from birth to prevent this problem from occurring. Even if the eyes appear completely normal from the outside, every child should have a first eye examination at three years old. Problems such as eye laxity cannot be detected unless examined. For this reason, regular eye examination is important for early diagnosis of these complaints and taking necessary measures. The examinations are repeated at the age of five and when starting school.
Can babies be measured for refractive error or glasses?
Eye examination and visual acuity should be measured at all ages. There are various tests and methods for this. One of these methods is the evaluation of the light reflected from the pupil with special cameras and the detection of the eye numbers. In children with reading difficulties, visual levels can be measured using pictures and symbols.