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    Mouth and dental health

    There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful smile. The way to have bright teeth and a healthy mouth is to show the necessary importance to our mouth.

    Diagnosis and treatment of all kinds of dental diseases such as fillings, bridges, implants, gum diseases, and crooked dental treatment are carried out in our clinic. In our dental units, examinations and treatments are performed with the latest model devices imported from Europe. Maximum attention is paid to hygiene and sterilization, examination instruments are individually packaged and sterilized.

    Children’s Dental Health
    Teeth whitening
    Gum Diseases
    Porcelain Lamina
    Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)


    Lack of teeth creates many problems both aesthetically and functionally. The person cannot chew effectively, and unwanted situations may occur in the jaw joint as a result of the problems he may experience during mouth closing. Along with health problems, non-aesthetic appearance causes loss of self-confidence in the person.

    Implant; It is an artificial tooth root placed in the jaw, mostly in the form of a screw in order to replace missing teeth. Implants are usually made of titanium. Titanium implants have a high success rate due to their high tissue compatibility. The implant is widely used in dentistry, as it can be applied in a wide range of patients, from missing a single tooth to patients with no teeth.

    The implant process consists of two stages. In a standard implant application, except for cases requiring further surgery, the area where the implant will be placed is anesthetized with local anesthesia in the first place. Then, the gingiva is removed and the implant is placed by preparing a place in the bone for the implant in accordance with the previously determined bone thickness and height. In the second stage, after waiting for a while for the implant to integrate with the jaw, the implant is opened and the part that imitates the tooth is placed and prosthetic procedures are started.

    There is no rejection of the implant by the body. However, factors such as infections that may occur during the recovery period, not paying attention to oral hygiene, excessive alcohol and cigarette consumption may prevent the implant from joining with the bone.

    With regular dentist control and good oral hygiene, you can use your implants for many years.


    If you have complaints about your yellowing teeth and want your teeth to appear whiter, it is very easy to find a solution to this problem with the teeth whitening method. Bleaching, which is applied to have white teeth, is the choice of many people, especially recently. Teeth whitening is done in 2 ways. One of them is office type whitening and the other is home type whitening.

    Before the bleaching process, tooth cleaning is performed in order to remove the external discoloration (tea, coffee, cigarette, etc.) and tartar in the teeth. If there are previously made aesthetic fillings in the anterior teeth, it should be kept in mind that these cases may need to be changed due to the color difference after bleaching. Likewise, if there are caries or caries onset on the visible surfaces of the tooth, it should be cleaned before the bleaching process.

    After all preparations are made, a protective layer (gingival barrier) is applied to the gums to prevent the side effects caused by the bleaching agent on the soft tissue, and it is hardened using a light source. Then the whitening agent is applied on the teeth and exposed to the light source.

    This process is applied in 3 sessions of 15 minutes. The whole process is completed in approximately 1 hour.

    Office-type teeth whitening is more advantageous than home-type whitening because it ends in one go. In addition, it allows for a more controlled and correct application by preventing wrong applications by performing the procedure by the physician.

    However, only the visible surfaces of the teeth can be bleached in office type whitening.

    After the application, the color of the teeth can be opened up to 2 to 3 tons. However, it should be kept in mind that this may vary from person to person.

    Home bleaching is a bleaching method that a person can apply at home, according to the instructions of a physician.

    Before this procedure, teeth cleaning is done first.

    A personal appliance (mold) is prepared with the measurements taken from the patient.

    The patient puts the bleaching agent given in the form of a tube into this appliance and applies it to the teeth for at least 4 hours with 3-4 days intervals.

    We recommend this method as a reinforcement or to patients who want a permanent whitening, especially for those who cannot achieve the desired result in office type whitening.

    1- After the bleaching process, there may be sensitivities that we can describe as electric shock, needle sticking within 24 hours. Any pain reliever you take half an hour before and after the procedure will reduce this sensitivity.

    2-After the procedure, very hot and cold foods should not be consumed for 24 hours as it may increase the sensitivity.

    3-Acidic foods and drinks should not be consumed for 24 hours. Otherwise, your sensitivity will increase more.

    4- Teeth should be cleaned at least 2 times a day and more carefully.

    5-Beyazlatma geri dönüşümü olan bir işlemdir. Bu nedenle özellikle işlem sonrasındaki 24 saat ve takibindeki bir kaç gün renklenmeye sebep olan ya da gıda boyası içeren yiyecek ve içecekler (çay,kahve,kakao,çikolata,salça,kırmızı şarap,renkli soslar,meyve suları vb. ) tüketilmemelidir.

    6-​Tütün ve tütün ürünleri (sigara,pipo vb.) diş rengi üzerinde olumsuz etki yaratacağından tüketimine dikkat edilmelidir.

    Tüm bu hususlara dikkat edilmediği takdirde diş renginiz kısa sürede eski haline geri dönebilir.

    Gum Diseases

    Oral and dental health is considered as a whole. For this reason, the health of the hard (bone) and soft tissues (gums) surrounding the teeth is as important as the health of the teeth. The most important symptom of gum disease is bleeding. The gums that start to bleed spontaneously, or the bleeding that occurs during the use of a toothbrush or dental floss is an indication that the gums are inflamed.

    Swollen, red, irregular-looking gums, as well as dental calculus surrounding the teeth, bad breath, the appearance of shaking or elongation in the teeth are also signs of the presence of gum disease.

    Reddening, swollen, irregular looking gums, tartar formed around the teeth, bad breath, shaking and elongation in the teeth also indicate the presence of gum disease.

    Bacterial plaques on teeth are the most common factor affecting gum health. Other factors are smoking, stress, hormonal changes, genetic factors, drugs used, systemic diseases such as diabetes, incorrectly applied coatings and fillers.

    Tartar cleaning and root surface straightening (curettage) are the beginning of the treatment. Advanced surgical techniques such as gingivoplasty, flap operations and crown lengthening are applied in advanced cases.


    Tartar cleaning is the simplest and painless treatment applied by dentists. Generally, no anesthesia is required. However, local anesthesia can be applied to eliminate the sensitivity that may occur in patients with low pain threshold or severe gingival recession. Thus, the patient does not feel any pain during the procedure.

    No, it doesn’t. In dental calculus cleaning, not dental tissue, but foreign formations (plaque, tartar) on the tooth surface are cleaned. Tools used in tartar cleaning do not cause scratches on the tooth surface.

    It is natural to have a very low amount of bleeding during tartar cleaning. The amount of this bleeding is so small that the patient usually does not even notice it. Bleeding may be slightly more in individuals with advanced gum disease, but there will never be a bleeding as in surgical procedures.

    Tartar is the most common cause of gum disease. Tartar cleaning is a treatment that should definitely be applied in terms of dental and gum health. In the dental check-ups to be held every six months, the dental stones that occur in the areas where the brush cannot reach or cannot be brushed well should be cleaned by the dentist. Although this does not cause any harm to the patient, patients with permanent calculus formation should have this procedure performed at the intervals recommended by the dentist.

    Fillers, prostheses, implants, etc. Before dental treatments, gum disease should be treated by cleaning tartar.

    If you think you have tartar formation very quickly after tartar removal, you may not be brushing your teeth properly. You should review the way you brush your teeth. It is up to you to prevent the formation of tartar by not neglecting the interface maintenance, with the right care and brushing after the tartar cleaning.

    If the patient needs frequent tartar cleaning, this means that oral hygiene is not good. Failure to do the hygiene practices that fall on the person because the dentist cleans them at regular intervals accelerates the formation of tartar. Instead of cleaning the tartar regularly, it is necessary to prevent the formation of tartar by keeping the teeth clean. Proper and regular dental care prevents the formation of tartar. Regular tartar cleaning is not recommended only because dental care is not done well.

    Sometimes large gaps can be felt in the mouths with excessive tartar after cleaning. Sensitivity may occur due to the exposure of the root surfaces. In such cases, the patient may think that the treatment is not beneficial and it becomes worse, but this is wrong. These cases occur due to late treatment.

    Tartar cleaning is a form of treatment. Therefore, it should not be considered as a cosmetic procedure only. Uncleaned tartar can cause gum disease, gingival recession, bad breath and spontaneous shedding of teeth.

    Porcelain Lamina

    Lamina means leaf in latin. It is a method that is made by thinning only the front faces of the teeth by 0.3-0.7 mm without cutting the teeth and the least healthy tooth tissue is lost. This is the process of bonding porcelain dental lamina to the thinned area.

    Extremely colored teeth that do not result in bleaching,

    In teeth with bad structural form and shape,

    Joining split teeth (diastema closure),

    In the restoration of broken or worn teeth,

    In the correction of old fillings whose color and structure is damaged,

    It can be a near-perfect cosmetic alternative for the correction of crooked and curved teeth (as an alternative to orthodontic treatment).

    Bad habits such as jaw disorders, nail biting, pencil biting are not applied in cases where there is severe gum recession.

    If your gums do not require a treatment or aesthetic intervention, you can have a new smile in 2-3 sessions, ie within 1 week.

    In the first session, your teeth are measured without abrasion and a study is done on the model. Then the teeth are abraded and the measurement is repeated with a sensitive impression material. Laminas are applied to your teeth at your next appointment.

    Laminae can be used for years without any problems with good oral care. The reason for this is that they are made of porcelain, which has superior properties than other adhesive systems. They are more resistant to staining and abrasion. It is necessary to pay attention to oral care to extend their life. Also, it is necessary to avoid biting very hard foods and bad habits such as nail biting.

    The desired appearance is achieved with the 0.3-0.7 mm etching process. The process takes 7-10 days on average.

    They are made of solid, non-discolourable and durable materials.

    Having the aesthetic properties (such as color, shape) you want without deteriorating the natural structure of your teeth can be done with porcelain lamina. Either no change is made on the tooth or a little correction is applied. The amount removed from the tooth is limited to 0.3-0.7 mm. Thus, no teeth need to be cut (reduced).

    A copy of your teeth that you are not satisfied with the appearance is obtained and a design is made on it. In other words, before the intervention to the teeth, the change to be created in the teeth can be shown as a demo at the beginning of the treatment. This demo is called a mock-up.

    Porcelain surfaces are smooth, so it minimizes staining and tartar formation caused by smoking and similar reasons.

    It does not change color due to external factors such as coffee, tea, cigarettes.

    It is very fragile in terms of material. However, when it is fully adhered to the enamel, its resistance to tension and pulling forces becomes very high. For example, it is not possible to completely remove a stuck veneer from the tooth. However, it can be removed by abrading from the tooth surface with diamond burs.

    It has high resistance to abrasion.

    Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

    The part of the tooth that is on the gum and visible in the mouth is called a crown, and the part hidden in the bone that is not visible in the mouth is called the root. The root number of each tooth is unique. There is a connective tissue in the center of the tooth between the crown and the root. This tissue is the part that gives vitality to the tooth and is called pulp. The branch of science that deals with every problem related to this part, also known as the dental nerve, is endodontics. Root canal treatment can be performed due to deep caries, fractures and cracks in the teeth, trauma and inflammation in the pulp.

    Infections in the pulp area give symptoms in the form of redness and swelling around the tooth, chewing tenderness, pain that does not go away in hot and cold. We aim to eliminate the need for implant or bridge prosthesis by applying root canal treatment to our patients who apply to us with these symptoms, by keeping the relevant tooth in the mouth and maintaining its healthy function.

    1. Anesthetizing teeth and surrounding tissues with local anesthesia
    2. Cleaning rotten and infected structures and entering root canals
    3.Determining the root canal length with apex finder devices and radiography
    4. Shaping root canals using hand tools and rotary instruments
    5. Removal of infected microorganisms using in-canal disinfectants
    6. Filling root canals and restoring the upper part

    With the advancing technology, the success rate of canal treatment increases. The success rate of a root canal treatment performed with a correct indication and in accordance with its rules is 95%. Although there is always a risk of complications, it should not be forgotten that root canal treatment is the last method to be applied before tooth extraction.

    Dental Treatment Under General Anesthesia

    In dental treatments, local anesthesia is generally sufficient for patient comfort. However, there may be some special cases where local anesthesia is not sufficient. In such cases, the patient can be treated comfortably by applying general anesthesia.

    A patient who wants to have dental treatment with general anesthesia talks to a specialist anesthesiologist and after the necessary blood tests are done, it is determined whether he is suitable for anesthesia. Dental treatment of patients who are suitable for anesthesia is carried out under general anesthesia in the operating room environment and the patient is taken to his/her own private room to rest. If necessary, the patient can stay in the hospital for one night.

    Who is suitable for dental treatment under general anesthesia?

    Dentist phobia
    Those with sensitive gag and vomiting reflexes
    Mentally handicapped individuals
    Patients with health problems and who need to be kept under control during treatment
    People with tumor formation in their jaw

    What are the advantages of dental treatment under general anesthesia?

    The patient does not feel any pain or pain during the operation.
    The patient does not feel anything during the operation, does not experience fear and anxiety.
    The patient can complete the treatment, which he postponed due to fear of dentist, in a single session.

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