Menopause and Osteoporosis
– Diagnosis and treatment
– Measurement of BMD (bone density)
– Mammography and breast ultrasonography
– Postmenopausal bleeding (postmenopausal bleeding), biopsy and necessary operations
Menopause is the name given to the last menstrual bleeding. There is a pre-menopausal and post-menopausal period.
The age of menopause in our country varies between 46 and 51 years. The pre-menopausal period starts from the 40s.
There are three types of menopause:
1. Natural menopause, natural spontaneous menopause
2.Surgical menopause, for any reason, regardless of age, even if the uterus stops ovarian women enter the menopause
3. Early menopause, menopause before the age of 40
Menopause is a physiological event, that is, a natural process, not a disease.
The first symptoms of menopause are hot flashes, sudden sweats, irritability, susceptibility, insomnia and forgetfulness. Then late symptoms begin. Among these symptoms, skin disorders and the most serious risk of heart attack infarction. The risk of developing osteoporosis, an insidious disease with loss of bone density, increases in this period. The biggest negativity is mostly fractures that occur as hip fractures.
If you have a normal menstrual cycle, you will not have menopausal symptoms. However, if there is an irregular menstruation, it should be investigated whether there is a risk of early menopause. For this, a simple hormone assay from the blood will be informative.
Gynecological examination, smear test and mammography are performed on a woman who is menopausal. In addition, blood tests, bone density measurements should be performed and they should be repeated periodically. Thus, diseases that may occur can be diagnosed early. For a comfortable and healthy menopause, women should pay particular attention to them.
In some cases, hormone therapy is initiated if the doctor considers it appropriate to the person’s needs.
There are two forms of hormone replacement therapy, which is defined as a replacement therapy for estrogen hormones that have been discontinued during menopause:
1. With periods
2. Without periods
Hormone replacement therapy is administered by mouth, by adhering to the skin, with creams applied to the skin, by spraying through the nose, by using the ovules or progesterone hormones which are placed in the vagina.
The most important goal of treatment is to improve the quality of life of the person
Regarding menopause and osteoporosis in our center:
– Diagnosis and treatment
– Smear analysis
– QCT (bone density) measurement
– Mammography and breast ultrasonography
– Blood tests
– Postmenopausal bleeding (post-menopausal bleeding), biopsy and necessary operations are performed successfully.