

It is an examination that enables the detection of increases in heart movements and movements of the fetus as a sign of healthy fetus in the later weeks of pregnancy. Especially in maternal diseases such as diabetes, high blood pressure, chronic kidney disease and goiter, high blood pressure during pregnancy, decreased movements of the fetus, growth retardation, decreased water, and the risk of pregnancy over 40 weeks of gestation such as NST is important to monitor the health of the fetus.

It is usually started in 32-34 weeks of gestation. In the presence of risk factors related to pregnancy, such as the threat of preterm birth, it can be started at earlier weeks, such as the 26th gestational week. Normal NST should be repeated after 1 week or twice a week. In case of deterioration of clinical findings, it is repeated regardless of the elapsed time.

The NST result gives the variation of the heart beat of the fetus according to the movements in the womb. It is also useful for identifying contractions in the mother’s uterus and to distinguish whether actual labor pains have started. Monitoring the intensity and interval of contractions in the uterus is important in terms of maternal and fetal health in the beginning and follow-up of labor.