Vaginal Aesthetics and Hymen Repair
Aesthetic and cosmetic surgery has started to develop in the gynecological organs due to factors such as modern medicine developing in the field of Obstetrics and Gynecology, people becoming aware of their health, recognizing their bodies and learning the functions of organs.

Vagina narrowing operations are usually performed to correct the sagging of the front and back of the vagina in women, both correcting anatomy and cosmetic-aesthetic operations that make women feel really good.

They are performed under general anesthesia and usually do not exceed half an hour. The reduction of the small lips (labium minus) has become a popular operation for gynecology and aesthetic purposes among women. The large inner lips hanging out make women feel uncomfortable both in appearance and in comfort during intercourse. It is a gynecological aesthetic surgery, preferably performed under general anesthesia and has a short operation time.

Hymenoplasty (hymenoplasty) surgery is a delicate procedure to alleviate the worries of women who are generally suffering from social distress and social pressure. This operation, which can be performed in two ways as permanent (flap method) and short term, can be performed under local or general anesthesia. This procedure, which does not exceed half an hour, should be performed by gynecologists and obstetricians, as do all other gynecological interventions covering the female genital area.

 Hymen Repair

The hymen is a curl-shaped structure attached to the small lips, located at the entrance of the vagina, 1-1.5 cm inside the lips. In some cases, this membrane may not have any holes and may close the vagina exit. This condition usually occurs when the first menstrual period of menstrual blood can not flow out with clinical complaints. The treatment of this condition is very simple. The membrane is opened with a small cut.

The hymen is expected to tear and bleed during the first sexual intercourse. However, the hole of some membranes can be quite large or flexible. This allows the penis to enter and exit without causing the hymen to rupture. The menstrual pads used today can also cause the tear of the hymen. The woman who reaches orgasm during masturbation may tear the hymen without realizing it. In no case will the hymen rupture automatically return to its original state.

Elasticity of Hymen:
Some hymen are too thick and hard to allow sexual intercourse. This can be treated by gynecological intervention. Some hymen, on the contrary, expand like a rubber, allowing the penis to pass and do not tear. The repair of hymen can be done with small gynecological interventions. Pregnancy can be seen without tearing the hymen.

The hymen is very important in many societies because it represents purity and virginity in women. Since premarital sexual intercourse is a taboo in closed societies, virginity is given great importance. Women may need hymen repair in order to avoid regret after sexual intercourse, forced sexual intercourse, incestuous relationship, desire to get rid of the person’s past, or to protect them from the threat of death due to honor. Our society generally attaches importance to virginity and the bleeding of the hymen on the wedding night. As a requirement of modern life, virginity only concerns that woman, but in our country, virginity is still emerging as a social taboo. Sometimes this taboo is so extreme that it ends in murders, graves and prisons.

How to repair the hymen?
There are several methods of hymen repair. The most permanent method is Fleb method. This method is a simple end-to-end joining technique. In the hymen repair with the Fleb Technique, a new hymen is created in the ruptured region with the mucous membranes taken from the surrounding tissues. Bleeding will occur whenever intercourse is performed after this repair. In this technique, it does not matter how many times sexual intercourse has occurred or when the hymen is torn. Even in patients who have given birth or abortion, hymen repair can be performed with this method.

In another simple technique, the ends of the hymen are sewn together. During sexual intercourse, rupture occurs in this area and bleeding occurs. In order for the bleeding to occur, this procedure should be performed 3-4 days before the marriage.

The aim of hymen repair is to restore the membrane to its old anatomical structure and to cause bleeding during sexual intercourse. Hymen planting can be done regardless of the number of sexual intercourse and intercourse. In women who have given birth, hymen planting can be done.


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